Thursday, April 7, 2011


DEJAL ANALYSIS: FOUNTAINS OF SOCIAL CHAOS ^ GATEWAY TO HELL: UN GO...: "FOUNTAINS OF SOCIAL CHAOS: UN GODLY TEACHINGS Recently I read postings from face book that individuals of obscurity telling groups of peo..."



Recently I read postings from face book that individuals of obscurity telling groups of peoples to hate a religion which they are not a part in it and forcing them to express that hate through actions. I saw two individuals one claiming Christian and the other calming Muslim telling people the other religion is UN GODLY. Utterly, utterly ridicules, rubbish and a mockery spewed on the Ethiopian society.

The Ethiopian society enjoys both secular and religious lives. Religion is taken as a personal comforter and complement to their secular lives, while at the same time they want their secular lives collectively be addressed through a well structured democratic political process in order they all have equal opportunity to resources their country can offer and enjoy life, freedom, liberty and happiness as developed societies of the world do.

Individuals with such teachings should not be listened by any reasonable person of conscience that has a desire for peaceful co-existence of humans irrespective of religions, especially in a country like Ethiopia where Christians and Muslims co-exist for centuries as good neighbors respecting each other’s belief. Such teachings indeed are against the teachings of any religion including Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Jews, Christians and Muslims should know that the GOD they worship is capable of doing everything in their belief as to their definition he is OMNIPOTENT--a super being capable of doing everything. Therefore he does not need anybody's help or sacrifices so that he will be happy by what you have done for him. He is not a corrupt official of the Heaven that needs such things. He can do infinitely many times more than what you can do, but the only thing your GOD needs from you is a capacity you have from your developed natural wisdom gained by thinking and reasoning or learned from the fear of the GOD you worship through words of your respective Holly Books - to be wide hearted, loving of others even in the worst case scenario as the Christian GOD says and did. The Christian GOD said he sent his only SON to save man, not because humans are good and perfect, but because he could not handle the sin of humans and the only way he handles that was through expression of LOVE.

LOVE is the absolute weapon of PEACE to win and contain an ENEMY of the HIGHEST ORDER.

This is one of the kernels in the Christian philosophy of GOD: to give the best of what you have to what you think to be an unwinnable enemy of a highest order. That is what Jews, Christians and Muslims should do as the teachings of their scripts indicate. Even the OMNIPOTENT GOD that is worshiped by the three religions who is capable of everything does not order the destruction of humankind on the face of the earth, because of the incurable sin of humans and their continual bad actions against each other.

But teachings of hate within different religions and sects of religions in most cases is committed by people who mis-learnt or wrongly learnt their religions and thereby misuse for political intent and goal than religious merits. Therefore beware of such individuals who wear costumes of religions but carry inside weapons of hell and destructions of a political end.
Judgment is done only by your GOD not by you. Your only responsibility is just to love your neighbor as you want your GOD to love you not only by words but by deeds: unconditional LOVE to humanity. The GOD you worship is always disappointed by what you do to your fellow man not what you do to him. In fact he takes who you do to your fellow man as what you do to him and therefore as a measure of a person's religious commitment he has to GOD.

Any Ethiopian citizen either Jew, Christian, Muslim, or otherwise should be wise enough as our forefathers who thought their children that religion is personal while the country is their common valuable asset to be protected by any cost. Therefore any teaching of division by race, ethnicity, religion, etc, that entice conflict or has a potential to create one, is an act of a sinister group or groups of persons of obscurity or nearby political individuals who may be associated to a hidden political mission but through unsuspected channels, who later will laugh by what they accomplished while you kill each other now and for decades to lose your cohesion.

Ethiopians should not forget that they are people with outstanding history, civilization and culture of tolerance and peaceful co-existence that spans for more than three thousands of years. You have such a magnificent history with a wealth of knowledge of a culture of a capacity to make sound judgments by identifying and validating things that are true, rational and lasting and things that are false, sensational, destructive and ephemeral. You do not have to be cheated again and again by people of sinister motives that always use divisions in your ethnicity, divisions in your religions, divisions in your locality, etc and create a sensational conflict that usually is deadly, irrational in origin and long lasting.

These teachings you are watching and listening, extremely dangerous spews from evil groups are designed to be appealing and testy to only to your ears and eyes are GATEWAYS TO HELL and no religious sect, group or individual person should take a ride on such wagons of destructions from HELL to HELL.

Danger!! Beware!!!


DEJAL ANALYSIS: A NATIONAL ARMY VERSUS A BODYGUARD: "A training and a mission went wrong! A case to learn from: How could the army of a country treats citizens as outsider enemy combatants..."


A training and a mission went wrong!

A case to learn from: How could the army of a country treats citizens as outsider enemy combatants for asking a political freedom from their political leaders through peaceful demonstrations and eventually create civil wars with in their own society? To see such things on television is the most damning social phenomena that no man could even imagine in the near past in advanced societies of the western world.

Can you imagine a common member of a family changed self to a super nanny as an outsider to treat and discipline the house as a collection of children and enforce self-will by any means and start killing family members for speaking out ? The analogy is that the country is the family; family members are citizens; the common family member that transformed self to super nanny is the illegitimate leader who does such things; the inanimate killing partners are family members who were assigned responsibility from the family to protect the family from external attacks and to keep the safety and peace of every family member, but took the order of the self-appointed supper nanny to kill family members for asking matters that are vital to the house.

Some unseen or trivially taken things by the society but sources of such troubles :

If political leaders gather themselves based on an ethnic group, then they establish deliberately an army that is dominantly lead by that ethnic group but filled by others as foot soldiers who do not have access to the upper leadership echelon of the army. In such cases the army leaders take political matters as family affairs, not as affairs of the country and completely concur with illegitimate political leaders and both function as hands and globes for their luxury living and ethnic dominance for all time as long as the society quietly sits. Some world class dictators who are not familiar with modern society, choose this way as a means to stay in power for long, but later disappear with all their family members without any trace from their society for all time and be treated as bandits run amuck to collect wealth and fortune and worst members of their society, captured political power by an accident not by being rational and having a desire of good will to bring good governance to the prosperity of their society.

Few cases where the world is watching on live television with shock and surprise as to how such governments exist in this 21st century in which leaders of civilized societies of the western world resign without any hustle for even simple failures of responsibilities.

Yemen: Leaders of the Yemen army are immediate and distant family members of the president so that politics and luxury is a family affairs.

Libya: Sons of the president lead armies themselves that is supposed to work for the country who later changed to private body guards and not army of the country—a disgrace to their honor.

Bahrain, Syria and Jordan: The same thing is happening

Ethiopia: The army leadership is dominated by one ethnic group that is deliberately designed by political illegitimate leaders in order to take political demands of freedom and peaceful expression of descent of the Ethiopian society as a treat to their family affairs and dominance and therefore take orders from their family members of political leaders to silence and kill citizens. Civilized political demands shall be considered as alien concepts from western societies, irritants to their luxury lives and should not be seen anywhere, anytime in front of their eyes.

The troubling thing in the case of Ethiopia is that the leaders came as a surprise to un suspected Ethiopians and force the Ethiopian society to behave as a new human society from scratch with strange axioms of nations and nationalities of medieval times and enforcing them with weaponry and punitive measures. They redesigned and restructured Ethiopia and forcefully apply their will until now. It is not surprising therefore that such a group with such a colossal political plunder allows others to be members of their clubs of power.

But to give a chance for the benefit of a doubt, it is necessary to say what is right and what shall be done.

Political Leaders:

Legitimate political leaders provide a political leadership so that all structures of the society function properly in order citizens enjoy equal access to opportunities and resources of their country with minimal obstacles, freedom, a vibrant democracy to exercise their rights and responsibilities in choosing their leaders periodically.

The army: Bodyguard versus National Army.

The national army which includes the police force and the military took oath and a solemn duty to honor the flag, the constitution and keep the territorial integrity of the country from foreign aggressions and protect the rights, safety and security of citizens, included peaceful expressions of descent to political leaders who make decisions on their behalf. They are not employee of any person or group from the political leadership echelon so that when an individual from the leadership group needs to kill citizens, take that order and kill their own brothers and sisters. Members of the army are not body guards of any group or persons to simply take orders and behave as inanimate partners of individuals in power that reside in political offices and perform a command on their society including killing. The army engages itself in such kinds of actions only during wars between the country and another country. Even in that case there is an international law which prohibits not to kill a combatant enemy if he/she puts down a weapon and show some sign of surrender, or not to kill a wounded enemy combatant that you may have gotten on the way, instead they will be taken as prisoners of wars.

Therefore for army leaders, it is a dishonor now and in history, to their ranks bestowed by Ethiopia and its people and the place they occupy in their society, when they act like body guards of individuals and take and perform a direct command to silence their own civil society with imprisonment, torture, killing with firearms and heavy weaponry, simply because they ask peacefully a better political pathways of governance that guarantee socio-political and economic developments to them to their children, grandchildren and to the country at large. It is here that training and mission of an army went wrong. It is therefore imperative in times of political upheavals and peaceful expression of descent, the military and police force should indeed see rationally whom they have to serve and what their mandates and purposes are. Which actions make them partners of their society and receive honor from their society now and in history and which actions make them mere body guards of individuals and lose their HONOR now and in history.

One of the most important social qualities, historical assets and personal demands of great individuals who happened to be in leadership positions is HONOR. Honor is both a personal and social asset that stays forever in history and gives pride for that society. No wealth, fortune and material possessions and personal friend ship equalizes HONOR for legitimate leaders. It is in that end that the Ethiopian army and police force should function and perform all the time and during times of social upheavals of peaceful expressions of decent.


Wars among countries and wars inside a country –civil wars , are destructive activities of humans resulted from failures of people from the political leadership to reason and win the other in argument and peaceful way on issues that create misunderstanding between the warring groups. But in modern times civil wars are only prevalent in under developed countries usually called third world countries where civilization and modern democratic political activities are yet alien and distant future or even unnecessary concepts, while in developed societies they are socio-political phenomena of the distant past.

Question: When do these under developed societies or collectively called third world countries start using reason to win or lose arguments and abide by the results so that they do not use force to make false true, or vise versa? To accept a thing that is true is a sign of being reasonable and civilized, while trying to produce side conditions to falsify it or look like false and enforce that by weapons and punitive measures is a sign of being irrational, falsehood and uncivilized.

Remark: In order political tricks and deceptions to disappear and the country not be changed to a family real estate of business of illegitimate leaders, societies should put an article in their constitution that forces a tenure time limit (not more than two terms) for political leaders. It is to the benefit of all, leaders and the society.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Please join me in campaigning to  adopt the following new word of mine in the English dictionary and in political philosophy.

Polpowbesity: Obesity of a political power.

Over use of political power without checks and balances for an indefinite or life time by leaders of developing countries which usually are called dictators who eventually use weaponry and firearms to choke , silence and kill their own citizen without any concern and mercilessly.

The current middle east political phenomena in
(1) Bahrain
(2) Libya
(3) Yemen and multitudes of African countries and elsewhere, are few who suffer from Polpowbesity .

There are several countries who suffer from Polpowbesity. Countries who suffer by same leaders for life long or for decades who by natural adaptation befriended poverty, illiteracy, luck of freedom of expression, complete absence of a free democratic political life, etc, where only leaders and their family members enjoy the highest standard of living, are victims of this political disease called Polpowbesity.

The current action that is taking place in Libya by the international community is a political surgery of an international military power that is approved by UN as a surgeon general , to ease the danger posed by Polpowbesity to the Libyan society and their future mutual existence in the global community.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


DEJAL ANALYSIS: FALLACY RULES OF GOVERNANCE!: "One thing to ponder about an article of a constitution that isfull of utterly invalid, fallacy in argument form and a paradox of re..."


One thing to ponder about an article of a constitution that is full of  utterly invalid, fallacy in argument form and a paradox of reasoning that is a result of incorrect thought processes with unrelated premises.

Constitutional Article : The right(s) of an individual and the rights of a group:

Question: Can these two things be valid in one country or in one place?

Answer : NO

First: Right - a privilege that individuals or groups claim to have legally in a place they reside or let us call it simply a legal privilege. Take two groups of people identified by their ethnicity: group A of ethnic type 1 and group B of ethnic type 2. They both are given group rights , that is ethnic rights stated by the constitution of the country but enshrined within their own places. Group A does socio-political and economic business that takes care of its own type of people. It makes sure that all its people get all available privileges from that section of residency and therefore any other person that does not belong to their type by definition is an outsider of the group and shall not have equal rights and therefore has no equal privileges as members do. For otherwise the very distinction of group and individual rights by the article has no meaning in purpose. The same thing holds with group B.
The article came as a surprise to the people of the country some 20 years ago while the society lived intermingled and married together for centuries. Besides, for sure, there is no place or section of the country how small that may be that will not have different and mixed types of people. Therefore there are people from type A that leave in Group B and vice versa. Each place is given to a collection of people with a constitutional mandate to take care of their own types. Those people who lived there all the time and are citizen of the country but happen to be different from the group will be treated like aliens and outsiders with no legal equal rights as others. Therefore these newly made aliens or outsiders have to live by the mercy and left over sub-privileges for sub- living from them, even if they have the highest level of capacity in their works and professional performances.
The article in design creates two types of citizenship with one additional hidden aim:
1. Those who happen to reside in a group of their type are full citizen as long as they remain and stay there.
2. Those who happen to live outside of their types be given a status of quasi-citizens by being a nominal citizen of the country but alien in the place they reside. As a result the article prohibits the movement of people from place to place for opportunities and privileges that may be available in some parts of the country.
3. To treat those who happened to be in other places by their definition with punitive and make them feel guilty of the past.

The inconsistency and fallacy of the article from an argument point of view can be checked by any first year college student. Above all this logically flawed argument forced to be valid for learnt citizens with punitive and sensationally fed consistently ad nauseam as a drug to the innocent huge majority, is a result of undeveloped cultural thinking process by validating things that are outdated, untimely, un updated and backward that do not reflect the socio-political and cultural developments of the Ethiopian society .
There will not be a single country at this time of the human existence across the globe that has schools and higher learning places of colleges and universities that disseminate knowledge of all disciplines , where basic laws of logic and correct reasoning of higher order as a way of higher order thought processes are taught and practiced as lingua-franca will allow such an utterly flawed semi-constitution to rule over their society.
It simply insults the country, its learnt citizens and the higher learning institutes that let their society be ruled by such paradoxical and false rule of governance that visibly drags backward and reduces the rate at which the society could have been grown in those times under a constitution that is valid.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


DEJAL ANALYSIS: PSEUDO LEADERS VERSUS LEADERS!: "................................................ PSEUDO LEADERS: Hold their own desires for their own sake and safety a..."


PSEUDO LEADERS: Hold their own desires for their own sake and safety as measures of standards for political decisions making – egoistic personality: a distinguishing political DNA of a personality that makes a person not be a leader. TRUE LEADERS in the contrary have courage and are altruist- bold to do undoable things in the purest forms in a pursuit of a selfless act of bravery for the sake of their society and hold the wishes and desires of their society as standards of political decision making.
There is absolutely nothing above of the unity, safety and security of the society and hence of the country they have served dearly at all time to make political decisions than any other thing. Bad, egoistic, selfish and illegitimate leaders and good, altruist and selfless leaders are utterly in different parallel universes but in a crisscross planar projections.
A true leader expresses his love to his people by listening to them and fulfill their wishes in a way more than what they expect. He does not say his people loves him to death. Leadership is to love, protect and serve society, not the converses. When a person says his people loves him until their death, he completely puts in more than equal footing his values, existence and survival with that of the values, existence and survival of the society - which purely is a claim and an expression of medieval time quasi-religious and spiritual-like personality or cult but supported and augmented with firearms and modern weaponry.
If Colonel Kaddafi indeed was a true leader that loves his people, then he was the person to express his love to his people by first and foremost asking humbly an apology and express resignation immediately from his nominal power that creates havoc on his country and avoid killings and bloodshed of his own people by his own people-in political terms to hate to be a leader of a faction group of a civil war of the country that comforted him for the last 40 years with no visible grudges against him, which already is in the dawn of the 21st century of civilized societies that run their political affairs as peoples and family affairs through the process of democracy, a political process that makes all citizens participate and thereby form governments that create equal opportunity to all its citizens.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

DEJAL ANALYSIS: Investment in Education- Building a colossal compa...

DEJAL ANALYSIS: Investment in Education- Building a colossal compa...: " &..."

Investment in Education- Building a colossal compass to the Future!!



This is a small letter that I have sent to a face book friend of mine some time ago, though he did not reply to me or comment on it which the meaning of it is not yet known.  I decided to post it on my blog. Those who have read it don’t be bored by it!



A society that does not invest in education, science, technology, the arts and cultural development, and refuses to respect, value, request and use ideas and visions of its learnt citizens is destined to live in tyranny and darkness with no clear direction to the future. Such a society is like a group of people on a ship cruise in a vast and turbulent sea of no horizon, where at times the direction they were sailing is changed by a sea storm and lost, with no professional sailors on board , no compass to guide and retain their direction. Imagine how many years then it will take for such a group not only to get to shore but to see a horizon of a land mass. Learnt citizens have professional, better training and specific skills, methods and procedures to study, look, analyze, create models of problems that are either social, political or economic, and find solutions. That is why developed nations put a huge amount of their wealth for higher learning schools and research institutes and grow fast, steadily and consistently, while in the contrary, underdeveloped countries spent much of their wealth in training a huge army and police force, expanding prisons instead of universities and schools, buying weapons instead of computers, to control, and starve the minds of thinking individuals by denying the freedom to learn, reason, think, express and write ideas that are vital to the society now and to the future and literally suffocating their own society to death.

It is therefore those concerned citizens and groups who have the financial resources to establish media outlets or have one, should always invite professionals from fields that can provide a timely, correct and important information and at times knowledge to the society so that they make better and informed decisions to their lives and build a better society that is at par with well to do others.

I wrote this note to you, because yesterday, I heard you questioning from your Face Book posting, where are the intellectuals and learnt citizens of Ethiopia? Why they do not give ideas and directions as to what the society has to do and should look? You are absolutely correct. I can list few and I hope you know them as well more than me, that there are many such concerned learnt citizens who write and express their heartfelt wishes and reason justified ideas on a regular and casual basis in different websites regarding Ethiopia and its current state of troubles. It is therefore those who have media outlets that they have to find such people and invite them to provide and share ideas and information that are important, timely and vital to the society in a regular basis.

To your surprise, I am a mathematics professor but participate in such matters and even have a blog site for this purpose.

If you have not read my blog then I invite you to visit and read what I think and say.

Dejenie Alemayehu Lakew (PhD)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


The Temporal Sign and Demand of Society: Legitimacy of Political Power.
By Dejenie Alemayehu Lakew

Legitimate Leaders:

Terminologies: Leader, Power, Legitimacy, People, Democracy

A leader exercises power of leadership and service on a particular society. The power he/she has can be legitimate or otherwise. The legitimacy of the power of a leader comes from the people. If not from the people then the power is illegitimate.

A legitimate leader therefore has to be a person amongst the people not somebody who is outside of them, who has a better vision, established and derivable wisdom and virtues and an intrinsic courage that analyzes and understands problems of the society ahead and deliver solutions in an optimal time-shortest time possible. He/she leads the people by providing convincing methods and delivering solutions to problems the society faces in the right and progressive direction. No legal citizen should live in pain and die for a survival of an illegal leader but instead a leader has to live in pain and die for the survival of a legal individual citizen. The immediate concerns and jobs of a leader are to serve the society, not to be served by society. He/she is an employee of the society not employing the society and make the society live under his/her mercy. Their power to lead the country is legitimate when it is given by the society. By the time they defy the society, develop contempt to the people and rule by their own will, then they changed the country into their real estate and the society into their own workers. That is the beginning of dictatorship, timocracy, oligarchy, etc, any form of illegal government. Once relations get sour and reach to that stage, leaders lose the legitimacy of their power and receive the rant of the society and ultimately lose their political achievements they have done in their legitimate times. The consequences are catastrophic to them to their family members and great descendants- they all be in the eternal fire of history. Therefore, a leader has to be wise enough to know and listen the society and its will as to when he/she should finish a tenure of service so that they end their power as legitimate and the good things they have done during their legitimate times remain as an eternal candle of history to their society.

Good leaders create administrative structures so that the people get conditions/or resources of life, happiness and freedom in minimal obstacles by providing effective leadership on all levels of their government structures . In order these things to be implemented, there has to be a common space of understanding between the people and the leaders. The people should give time to elected leaders as to when and how they have to come up with solutions to the common social, economic and political problems that they have promised to do so. But at the same time leaders should know that life is short and ephemeral and solutions they promised have to be delivered on time and if that does not happen, then they have to give a path way and in fact invite and solicit the people to elect other new leaders who are capable of understanding the scope and magnitude of the problems and promise to address the issues in a better and short time frame. After all governments are highest forms of social gatherings or structures of a particular society, established to take care of common welfares of the people and therefore cannot behave as an outside power but appended to the people from above for all time.

The protests that are happening in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen and across the middle east are clear indicators of society running out of patience in living and carrying problems indefinitely, where society expresses outcry in multitudes to the extent of willing to die of their suffering by the hands common people who happened to be on the pinnacle of power and place of the leadership but unable to deliver anything for the society. Inability is not a sin by itself but not willing to give the place for others who are capable is the political sin. In times where society express suffrage and anger , governments should behave as part of the society and ask an apology from the society and express their willingness to leave office by arranging conditions in order problems be addressed.

Leaders should know and it is to their benefit that they feel and remain part of the society when they were in power and when they are out of power. They have to do their utmost effort to live within the society and contribute more when they are out of power but taking care of their family. It is always possible for them to be listened, heard and contribute more to their people as long as they are alive and as long as they finish legally. That is the right way to stay in politics for life long—not by hanging on power for life. These problems of appetite for hanging on power for life time are common in what are called developing or underdeveloped countries , where leaders take counties as their real estates and the society as employees in their firms -- while it is non-existent in developed countries.

The consequences are sever and catastrophic not only for such bad leaders but to their all family members . There is no dictator who left power by will and allow his family members live in peace instead they make all their lifelong happiness and achievements be destroyed forever by angry society and unforgiving history. It is amazing why leaders cannot see that and make their immediate family members, children and grand children pay a price for their selfish and ill advised desire of power for life. All dictators disappear along with their descendants for ever from their society while wise leaders remain political advisors and important figures to their own society. Their descendants remain beloved society members living a good life within their own society, proud of the political works their parents have done and the recognition received by the society and history.

It is therefore the sign and demand of the time that leaders of countries irrespective of under-developed/developing, should be willing to do exactly what politically developed world leaders do:

*. Put time frame for a political life-tenure in their constitution.

*. Make sure their political power is legitimate.

*. Know the difference between a country and real estate. It is only in real estate that individual citizens have lifelong rights to own it and live in it.

*. Leave office when people demand and cry of their ineffectiveness.

*. Leave office when problems remain unsolved on time and beyond.

*. During turmoil times within society ( governments unwilling to yield their power from demand of society), then the police force and army should not always play as killing inanimate partners of illegitimate governments that run amuck and put their very own citizens, who give legitimacy to their power beneath their foot, but instead to carry out their responsibility by keeping the security and safety of the society in general and the rights of the people untouched.

It is only when this happens that the old style of removing governments by guns will stop and a modern and civilized political life begins which is a building block of stability, growth and social development.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Sign and Demand of the Time

A leader has to be a person amongst the people not somebody who is outside of them, who has a better vision to the future as to where the society has to be, understanding, analyzing common problems of today  and deliver solutions in an optimal time and provide such a consistent but progressive leadership. He/she leads the people by providing convincing methods and delivering solutions to problems to the lives of individuals.

No legal citizen should live in pain and die for a survival of an illegal leader but instead a leader has to live in pain and die for the survival of a legal individual citizen. The leader creates conditions so that the people get conditions/or resources of life, happiness and freedom in minimal obstacles of government by providing effective leadership on all levels of government structures . In order these things to be implemented, there has to be a common space of understanding and trust between the people and the leaders. The people should give time to elected leaders as to when and how they have to come up with solutions to the common social and political problems that they have promised to do so. But at the same time leaders have to know that life is short and ephemeral and solutions they promised have to be delivered on time.  If that does not happen, then they have to give a path way and in fact invite and solicit the people to elect other new leaders who are capable of understanding the scope and magnitude of the problems and promise to address the issues in a better and short time frame. After all governments are highest forms of social gatherings or structures of a particular society, established to take care of common welfares of the people and therefore cannot behave as an outside power but appended to the people from above for all time.

The protests that are happening in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen and who knows it may expand, are clear indicators of society running out of patience in living and carrying problems indefinitely, where society expresses outcry in multitudes to the extent of willing to die, and governments should be willing to leave office by arranging conditions so that problems be addressed. These kinds of problems—problems of appetite for hanging on power for life time are common in what are called developing or underdeveloped  countries where leaders take counties as their real estates and the society as employees in their firms -- while it is non-existent in developed countries.
It is therefore the sign and demand of the time that leaders of all countries irrespective of under-developed or developing, should be willing to do exactly what the developed world leaders do—leave office when people demand and cry of their ineffectiveness. Leave office when problems remain unsolved on time and beyond.
It is only when this happens that the old style of removing governments by guns will stop and a modern and civilized political life begins which is a building block of stability, growth and social development.